Ghim Moh Carrot Cake: Handmade Chai Tow Kway With Long Queue From 6:30AM

1 year ago 140

Ghim Moh Carrot Cake is a popular carrot cake stall in Buona Vista

Earlier this year, our team embarked on a quest for the best black carrot cake in Singapore, and Ghim Moh Carrot Cake was one of the 10 stalls mentioned in the article. We found out that the family-run stall is the most popular carrot cake stall at Ghim Moh Road Market & Food Centre. The queue is said to start from as early as 6:30am, and limited portions are available daily, so only the early birds can cop a plate of their chai tow kway.

10 Best Black Carrot Cake in Singapore Ranked, Including Michelin-Approved And 70-Year-Old Stalls

What makes their carrot cake unique is that both the carrot cake and chye poh are made from scratch daily. If you’re lucky, you might get a glimpse of the hawker mashing a huge block of carrot ...

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